

The signs of cyberbullying and how to talk to children about it.

面对面的欺凌可能对家庭造成伤害和恐惧, but now it's accompanied by cyberbullying and can be equally as devastating for children, 青少年甚至成年人. Cyberbullying generally takes place over digital devices like cell phones, 平板电脑, 计算机和其他设备. 它通常是通过文本进行的, 各种移动应用程序, 在线社交媒体, 论坛, shared online gaming communities and other 论坛 w在这里 others can view content, 分享内容并参与.


Cyberbullying is when a person uses tech devices and apps such as phones, 平板电脑, 电脑和社交媒体伤害他人. 它是有意的和持续的. It is common in kids, teenagers and young adults and can also happen in adulthood. Usually cyberbullies will intimidate, attack or harass others using the internet. 如所述 理解.org,以下是一些网络欺凌行为的例子:

  • 通过短信、电子邮件或即时消息对他人刻薄.
  • Sending several neutral messages to the same person with the purpose of harassing.
  • 使用社交媒体伤害他人.
  • 利用网络渠道传播他人的谣言.
  • Creation of a fake online profile and pretending to be someone else.
  • Use of embarrassing videos or pictures of someone without the person's permission and 分享/posting it online.
  • Online threats and intimidation (via online messaging or text).


As of 2019, the Centers for Disease Control noted that, approximately 15.7%的九年级到十二年级学生 声称自己受到过电子欺凌,相比之下只有14人.9% in 2017.

根据儿童健康,有些 网络欺凌的警告信号 是:

  • Becoming emotionally upset during or after being on the phone or online.
  • 对自己在网上做的事情保密或保护自己.
  • 远离家庭、朋友和活动.
  • 避免去学校或朋友聚会的地方.
  • 成绩下滑,表现出愤怒.
  • 情绪、行为、睡眠或食欲的变化.
  • 减少时间 他们使用电脑或手机.
  • 避免讨论他们在网上做什么.


Kids and teens might be afraid to talk about cyberbullying with parents and caregivers out of fear their computer privileges will be taken away. 谈论和防止网络欺凌的一些建议是:

  • 制定适合孩子的规则. What works for a high school student may not work for your middle school child. 你们所有的讨论都应该包括关于 时间限制, 隐私, 分享, 屏蔽和在线评论, 以及在哪里上网是合适的. 发现更多帮助青少年理解的方法 社交媒体带来的网络安全和风险.
  • Make sure kids understand the online rules and what's appropriate. Often t在这里 is a disconnect between what kids think the rules are, 以及父母和看护人所说的规则是什么. 明确并执行后果.
  • 继续谈论网络欺凌. Setting limits and outlining online appropriateness isn't something that's a one-and-done conversation. 继续和你的孩子谈论网络欺凌, 朋友之间的问题, things you read about in the news or what's new and challenging for them online.
  • 说到阻挡恶霸. 社交媒体网站, 电子邮件应用程序和手机允许你屏蔽电子邮件, 来自特定人群的即时消息或短信. Talk to your kids about these settings and encourage them to block those individuals they are not comfortable talking to.
  • 谈论数字生活的长寿. A child might delete a rude comment, but that doesn't mean it goes away. Screen captures and shares can preserve regrettable statements and images forever. This potentially has a very hurtful and long-term impact on everyone involved. Make it clear that information shared is never truly private or temporary.
  • 为你的孩子找一个可以求助的人. 行为上的改变, 例如粗鲁或诡秘, 也许是发生了什么事的好迹象, 也许就在那一刻,你的孩子把你拒之门外. Discussions of 网络安全 should include a person who kids can turn to when they have issues online. 获得帮助是最重要的.
  • 做一个好榜样. It's one thing to set rules, and it's another thing to follow them. 实践你对孩子的说教. Follow your own rules and cultivate a polite and respectful online presence.
  • 放手那些你无法控制的事情. It's impossible to know everything your children might see and do online. Experts say you should focus on giving kids the confidence to deal with issues they might encounter online.

It is important to document and report if your child is involved in cyberbullying. You should take screen shots of posts and alert the school if it's another student. 也要经常向社交媒体平台报告.

最后,做好准备,自我教育 网络安全 还有网络欺凌. Your understanding of the issues your child might encounter may help you better cope with questions they could have.

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